Friday , 13 May 2016
Breaking News


Top 10 virus that will run you down

Viruses greatly affect our health and they are neither dead nor alive. Viruses can attack anyone and may cause to various health problems. Moreover, there are many different kind of viruses that cause particular health effects. Let us look at the Top 10 virus that will run you down Rhinovirus This virus is responsible for common cold that affects the upper registry system in our body. This virus has been playing with our health for more than thousands years and plays a major role in disturbing the normal routine. Varicella-zoster virus This virus causes chicken pox which leads to arrival of lesions all over our body. This further causes skin irritation and intense itching in our body. Influenza This virus has been around us since thousand years that affect our daily schedule. This virus causes swine flu that greatly affects the health of many people and serious attack can lead ... Read More »